Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One Week/ NYLT

Hey all,

I am now officially one week away from departing for Sweden! It seems like I've been waiting forever to leave and now that time is here. 

I just got back 
from National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) at Camp Sunrise.  Basically, it's a week long leadership course for Boy Scouts held at a summer camp.  I was a participant back in 2005, and this was my second year on staff.  It's amazing how much more you learn being on staff.  It really puts your skills (and patience) to the test, as the course is almost entirely led by youth staff such as myself.  I really enjoyed myself, and I'm confident the kids at NYLT learned enough to help them succeed as youth leaders back in their home troops.

One of the cool perks I had, since I'm over 18, was the ability to drive one of the adult's John Deere Gator.  It's the thing in the pictures I posted above this.  It's really useful for transporting gear around camp, and was especially helpful in hauling several full 5 gallon water coolers out to outpost campsites, where the participants spent 1 night camping and living as a patrol.  As you can see, the Gator handles well in various terrains (water!) and can even reach 30 mph.

This week is going to be a busy week. I have to buy some last minute essentials and start packing all my stuff.  I am relieved, though, to have found out that Patrik, one of Vassaro's administrators, will meet me at the airport to help guide me through the several subway and bus rides I need to take just to get to the island ferry. 


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sailing School Part 2

Yesterday, I completed my sailing class at the International Sailing School. I am now ASA Keelboat certified and now feel more prepared to teach young kids about sailing.  It was a great experience, especially because I was the only one in my class.  I attached some pictures of me and my instructor, Bill.  If you've ever wanted to learn how to sail or just want a refresher, I highly recommend the ISS.  They have great instructors, great boats, and have opportunities for people of all backgrounds.  

P.S. Go Penguins! Stanley Cup Champions!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Some Help

Hey all,

Today I got in touch with an American who's already been to Vassaro once and is coming back again this year for the first session.  In fact, I believe he's already left for Sweden. I asked him what things I should bring and what I should expect.  The first thing he immediately said was bug spray.  Also, the weather can range from 40 to 90 degrees, so he said I should bring a wide range of clothing.  He also said that scouts in Sweden are much more laid back than us.  We view Scouting as uniforms, merit badges, and awards, where in other countries, it is much more low-key and recreational.  

I also learned that the camp has an international staff night, where international scouts such as myself get a chance to leave the island and do something fun together.  Last year they spent a night in Stockholm, but who knows what's in store for this year. Apparently the international staff actually plan it, but I can't say I have much experience with activities in Sweden.

That's about all he told me, but it's definitely enough for me to start planning about what to pack and things I need to get.
