Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'd like to start off with a correction. I should have said we celebrated the 100th anniversary of *Sea* scouting, not Swedish scouting. Which makes sense, being in the middle of a Sea scout camp...
Not too much new to report. As you can see from my pictures, we put the cake into 4 sections for everyone to eat after the ceremony. So I helped serve cake to 1500 scouts, and surprisingly, a lot was left over. I'm not sure what happened to the rest of it.
The weather here has been bad for the past several days, cold and rainy. I think thats the trend of Swedish weather: if it goes bad, it stays bad. But, it hasn't prevented groups from to Fladan, and we've had our hands full. I think the camp ends on Saturday, which means the last day of bookings will be tomorrow. Last year, the large camp (and the most amount of work) was my last week here, but this year it is only during my second week. It will be weird getting used to things being calm again. But at least it will mean more time for the sauna.
Anna's birthday was today, and her parents and nephew came to visit. For those of you who don't know, it's a tradition at Vassaro that you wear a "crown" of flowers around your head given to you on your birthday. Also, the Swedish birthday song is quite different, and kind of sounds like a variation on "Oh My Darling Clementine". It's a nice thing that they do, and it's definitely a memorable place to celebrate a birthday.
Well, time to run. It's so easy to get caught up in all the fun that you start to forget that the main reason you're here is to work. In other words, sometimes you just have to realize that going to bed early is the right thing to do every now and then.

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