Hey all,
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I've just been busy doing things and hanging out with people. Since Tuesday, nothing too interesting has happened. I took some more groups out sailing and canoeing. However, starting on Saturday, all the groups started to leave, causing Fladan to have no bookings for 3 straight days. As a result, we've been partially busy painting oars, fixing boats, and doing random projects, not to mention just relaxing.
A few nights ago I went to the sauna with a bunch of people on staff. It was my first time at an authentic one (not like the ones in hotels and gyms). Bastu (sauna) is very popular in Scandinavia. It was even better because once everybody got too hot, you could take a few steps outside and jump in the cold ocean. It was weird because I expected to get dry once I got back inside, but the water was just replaced with sweat. It was a fun experience, and we all stayed there until 3 in the morning. I think it is common for people to go at least a couple of times a week.
Last night was the final dance to the dance camp that has been held here all wek. It was put on by the camp, and everyone went (mostly because the dining hall was locked and Fika was held there). There was free food and drinks, and a variety of music. It was different going to a dance where people don't dance freely. I learned some line dances and managed to enjoy myself.
Today, some more new staff came and a few of them now work at Fladan. I am now in the swing of things and unfortunately some things are becoming a little too routine, such as the 10 minute walk to Fladan. Otherwise, I am still glad I am here and I now know mostly everyone on staff. Until next time...
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