I lucked out again today, as I have no evening work to do here. This morning, I took a group of 4 Belgian scouts out sailing. It was my first time ever teaching someone how to sail, let alone a group of people with only 1 person who could speak both French and English successfully. However, I think it went very well and I got to practice some French. The picture of the group, along with my fellow american Evy, is above.
After lunch, I had to help change water pump hoses on a few of the boats at Fladan. Basically, the pumps are used to empty the boat when too much water collects in the hull. While that was going on, the FS kids were raftbuilding and the Karate Club, a group of mentally disabled adults, were canoeing.
After that, I helped move about 30 canoes to a small bay in outer Fladan. The FS scouts were planning on taking a backpacking trip to the bay, and then planned to canoe back. It was quite a sight to see a motor boat dragging a train of about 6 canoes. Since that activity was actually planned for the evening shift, here I sit, drinking kaffe and updating the blog.
One thing I forgot to mention in my last post: In Sweden, the music program Spotify is very popular. It's like Pandora, but much better. It allows you to stream free music on your computer, like a custom radio station. The only downside is that between every 3 songs there is an annoying commercial and that the only way to use Spotify is to be invited by another user. However, each user can only invite 2 people. Needless to say, I'm trying to get an invite from someone here.
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