Dear Diary,
These past few days have been ridiculously busy and I only think it will get worse. Monday was the weekly staff meeting. However, we (the international staff) were assigned to run it. We decided to make 4 stations for 4 countries (USA, Czech Republic, Austria, England) and have some games and food at each station. At the American station, we had a scavenger hunt along with some freaking good chocolate chip cookies we made. There were a lot left over, so needless to say, we went to town on them. The meeting went really well, and I think all the staff enjoyed their international night of fun.
On Wednesday, we did some secret Konfirmand stuff I'm not really allowed to talk about. It resulted in me going to bed around 3 a.m. I will say this: it was an incredible experience, and I really wish I could have been confirmed here at Vassaro. Not to be too sentimental, but I think it will be a night the Konfirmands won't ever forget. Anyways...
As for work, I've just been sailing and doing the usual stuff. Groups and staff are starting to move in for the 'Mystery' camp, so more and more people are starting to come to Fladan each day. I think with Konfirmation on Saturday, and the district camp all of next week, this may be my last evening off.
In other news, I found out that I might just be able to come back to Vassaro next summer. I originally thought that it would interfere with the work hours I need towards my pharmacy license, but I think I could do it without necessarily working next summer. I just have to find out now how to reapply to become a staff member again.
I can't believe I only have two weeks left in Sweden. And, to top it off, I'll only have 5 days home until I leave for college. This was a fast summer....
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