Hey all,
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy with Mysteriet and tonight I finally had enough energy to do something besides sit in the dining hall and eat.
Anyways, I survived the Konfirmation weekend. After staying up late on Friday night to prepare the dining hall to perfection, I was assigned to be a server for the dinner on Saturday. There were about 30 of us servers, and we were all dressed in white Vassaro t-shirts and dark pants. We walked into the dining hall in rounds, and we each were responsible for one table of around 12 people. If anyone at your table had any special food requests, you had to remember to bring them their food after you brought out the food for everyone else. It was kind of stressful, as I really didn't want to drop any food or mess up in front of 400 people. But it was really fun and at the end we brought out dessert singing the Vassaro 'theme' song, followed by a song that sort of taunted the Konfirmands that they're never going to be Konfirmands again and that they'll probably not see everyone again. All in all, it was a great 4 weeks with the Konfirmands. It was really neat to watch them become better and better sailors as the days went by. I have to admit it was difficult to say goodbye to them.
The mystery camp started on Sunday, and now the island is flooded with scouts. Where there were once meadows, there are now hundreds of tents. Work at Fladan is the same, but there is a lot more of it. The evenings are now always booked, and I'm so tired. All the time. I think its called the mystery camp because there is a mystery that all the scouts are supposed to solve. This time, it's to find this missing woman taken by the mafia, and the setting is the 1930's. There was this opening ceremony thing, but I didn't understand a word of it.
I can't believe I only have a week left before I return to the U.S. and A. I am looking forward to visiting Stockholm, and hanging out with people away from Vassaro. I really hope I can come back next summer.
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