Thursday, August 12, 2010

All Good Things Come to an End

I am spending my last few days here at Vassaro for a long, long time. 4 weeks goes by so quickly, I wish I could be here every summer. Its hard to describe Vassaro in words. It makes you appreciate the simple things in life, like how soetimes all you need is good company and a peaceful setting to be satisfied. Its so different than Boy Scout camps. American camps are about merit badges, advancing ranks, buddy systems, and rules. I'm not saying our camps are bad, trust me, I've spent many great summers doing these things. It's just at Vassaro, it's just about *doing*. There's no rules because there's no need for any. People work here for less than $6 a day just because they want to. Anyways...

The past days have been spent taking care of all the scouts here. We had one afternoon off, and we spent it relaxing on an island that we rowed to. The weather has gotten better, but there have been times when thick fog suddenly rolls in, which makes it impossible to sail. There was another secret Konfirmand thing that also happened, and again it involved a lot of work, and not a lot of sleep. There seems to be a theme here...

The next few days will be devoted to preparing the camp for the confirmation weekend. We have been cleaning up Fladan and making it suprisingly neat and presentable for all the parents. Tomorrow, we will set the dining hall, and make a few hundred "church coffee" sandwiches to give to the arriving parents on Saturday morning. There won't be a chance to get a lot of sleep, but with only a few days left, it doesn't even matter. I can only hope time slows down just a little bit.


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